Mobile Apps

5 Reasons the Emergence of Mobile Apps Is a Blessing to Businesses

Apps Business Digital Marketing

In this age of cut-throat competitions, organizations seek to provide maximum value to the consumers. A mobile phone application is one to get a competitive edge.

To engage more end-users and hooked them to the apps for the long term, big data plays an important role in it. Big Data analyses help the developers to understand the app usage behavior and what a customer really wants from them. To become an expert in this technology, Join Intellipaat to complete the big data course.

A study published in the INFORMS Journal states that organizations with mobile phone apps experience higher net sales on multiple levels than their without-app counterparts.

But before we explore what it is that makes the mobile wallet phone apps a blessing for the businesses, let’s address this mainstream concern:

Why have apps if we can have websites?

The pre-app era encompassed websites only. That is all that businesses looked up to have an online interaction with the consumers and target audience.

These days, many small-scale and large-scale organizations seek to have mobile phone apps, in addition to websites.

But if your business is short on budget, you would be required to make a choice between the two—the one that ends up providing higher effectiveness, right?

Research shows that people spend 86 percent of their time on mobile apps, and just 14 percent on websites.

The following are some of the factors that provide mobile phone applications the edge over websites:

  • Better personalization
  • Easier to send notifications
  • Better User-interface
  • Can be integrated with mobile phone features

Let’s deep dive and talk about 5 reasons that show how the emergence of mobile phone apps is a blessing for businesses.

  1. Enhanced Customer Loyalty

According to Salesforce, 70 percent of the consumers are motivated to buy a product if they are treated well.

Mobile apps are revolutionizing the way brands have interacted with their customers down the history lane. The apps are getting more and more sophisticated to include elements that make the customers feel “important”. 

Customer Loyalty

“Share the app link with 10 friends and get a coupon of worth $50” 

Some apps incorporate loyalty programs whereby customers get free points when they shop from a particular brand. Those points are then redeemed in the form of free vouchers and coupons. Additionally, some brands engage the consumers by rewarding them, in exchange for getting referred to their friends and acquaintances.

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Moreover, mobile apps provide a quick and efficient way to get customers’ feedback and reviews. This bridges the communication gap between the consumers and the businesses—strengthening the loyalty of the consumers.

  1. The Possibility to Analyze Consumer Habits

Target—a multinational retail corporation—is probably the biggest name when it comes to analyzing big data and buying habits of consumers.

The company has built a computer model that can literally predict which women are pregnant. This serves as the Holy Grail because pregnant women shop much higher than the average person. Target, subsequently, capitalizes on it by sending them relevant suggestions and discount coupons.

The emergence of apps allows businesses to track consumers’ buying patterns. In particular:

  • Time spent by a user on the app
  • History of purchased products
  • The social media activities of the consumers
  • The locations at the time of activity

These factors enable businesses to get efficient insight into the target market and allow them to optimize their businesses accordingly.

With that being said, the apps should always ask for permission before having access to the personal information of the users.

  1. Improved Brand Interaction

“Check out our latest summer collection”

According to a survey, push-notifications have an open rate of 90 percent. That is huge, compared to the 25 percent of the promotional emails.

Mobile apps work subtly in getting the potential customer’s attention to the brand through push-notifications. Once they browse through the products, the cravings shoot up, and many end up getting the things they didn’t plan on.

Having said that, the last thing a consumer would want from an app is a flurry of unsolicited notifications. To keep that in check, businesses should take notes from applications like Airg spam-free apps that provide a smooth experience to their consumers.

Thanks to the mobile apps, the brands are getting closer to the consumers than ever!

Consider this scenario: It is 1 a.m. and your thoughts suddenly shift to an upcoming meeting. Considering your busy schedule, you cannot afford to go to the store and buy a shirt for yourself. So, all you do is pick your phone, swipe straight to the e-commerce app and get that shirt booked for you.

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As simple as it gets!

  1. A Great Digital Marketing Platform

According to a survey conducted by Hubspot in 2019, Facebook provided the highest Return on Investment (ROI) to the marketers, followed by Instagram.

But that shouldn’t be surprising!

Digital Marketing Platform

As of 2020, there are 2.6 billion active Facebook users, according to Statista. So, if you take advantage of the ever-growing popularity of social media apps, there is no way you wouldn’t get a boost in your sales.

A good strategy is to advertise your products on social media applications, and when users click on the ads, redirect them to your businesses’ apps.

But that is not all there is to it!

Numerous small-scale businesses are operating entirely through Facebook. Therefore, if you cannot afford to have a tailor-made application, you can always capitalize on free business tools offered by Facebook and take your business up a notch!

  1. Better Efficiency

How many representatives could you possibly hire to assist your consumers?

Mobile apps play a great role in optimizing the way businesses interact with their consumers.  At a time, thousands of users can engage with the brand, and each one of them gets every bit of attention.

People can have comprehensive descriptions of the products and services offered by the organization, shop multiple products without wasting any time, and ask questions and get immediate responses by the online customer support.

A survey indicates that 33 percent of those who use apps buy more frequently than those who don’t.  This speaks volumes for how higher efficiency of a mobile phone app serves as the butterfly effect for higher net sales!

The integrated shopping cards, FAQs, notifications, browsing categories, and online transactions are some of the ways that make the app experiences more efficient as compared to traditional businesses.

And speaking of efficiency, we are not far from the time we will have artificially-intelligent apps—the ones that will predict the mood of the users and suggest relevant offers.

Cool, right?

So what are you waiting for?

Now that you have acquired the insight into the emergence of mobile phone apps and their importance for the businesses, get one for yourself, and make your presence felt!

If you already have one, make sure it is equipped with all the features that the users deem valuable. Besides, always keep in mind that consumers respond to fun and simple user interfaces instead of complicated ones.

Let us know if we missed out on something in the comment section and give us a chance to interact with you.

Also Read: Customer Retention: 6 Powerful Tips To Keep Your Customers Coming Back


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