Ingredients Prostate Supplement

Are These Ingredients In Your Prostate Supplement?

Fitness Health

We assumed most men knew about all the different ingredients in prostate supplements, and the purpose of why each ingredient is in the formula. Apparently, many men don’t know about the cancer-fighting studies on GSE and Quercetin because we have received several emails asking about these two ingredients in particular.

We have been surprised how many men have been asking why Grape Seed Extract (GSE) is in ProstaGenix prostate supplement. The short answer is it has been shown in a very large human clinical study of over 35,000 men aged 50 to 76 to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 41% when 100 mg was taken daily over this six-year study.

However, men who took a GSE supplement for ten years, experienced a remarkable 62% reduction in prostate cancer risk.

The news on GSE is incredible. We’ll tell you about it and give you the scientific references so you can read about them further if you would like to.

GSE is derived from ground-up seeds of red wine grapes. And like grapes, it is rich in antioxidants, which soak up damaging free radicals in the body. That’s important, because free radicals can build up and promote cancer cell growth.

A 2011 study from the journal Nutrition and Cancer showed that GSE could reduce men’s risk of prostate cancer by 41 to 62 percent.

The research was conducted on 35,239 male participants in the “VITamins And Lifestyle (VITAL) cohort,” who were between 50 and 76.

This study was designed to investigate the associations of the use of vitamin, mineral, and specialty supplements with cancer risk. Grape Seed Extract was the only one of the supplements surveyed showing a clear risk reduction for prostate cancer. No comparable risk reduction was noted from the use of coenzyme Q-10, fish oil, garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, ginseng or saw palmetto. Only GSE.

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All participants were residents of western Washington state and completed a detailed questionnaire about 18 specialty supplements, vitamin and mineral supplements, they were using or had regularly used over the past ten years.

Six years after the study launch, the researchers found the men who regularly took GSE were 41% less likely to have been diagnosed with prostate cancer than the control group. And men who had been taking between 50 mg to 100 mg of GSE for 10-years had an incredible 62% reduction in prostate cancer risk.

Pretty remarkable study! This was a multi-year study on over 35,000 men! The suggested preventative dosage was 50-100 milligrams daily.

ProstaGenix contains 100 mg of GSE as part of our protective Polyphenol Blend. The blend also includes Quercetin and Pomegranate Extract.

Quercetin is a flavonoid found in a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Scientific research has suggested that quercetin inhibits prostate cancer development. Scientists found that quercetin produces a 69% reduction in the growth of highly aggressive prostate cancer cells, a greater than 50% upregulation of tumor-suppressor genes, and a 61-100% downregulation of cancer-promoting oncogenes. A study suggested that quercetin works partially by blocking the androgen receptors used to sustain growth by prostate cancer cells, potentially preventing these cells from forming tumors.

And Pomegranate has also been shown to be beneficial in prostate cancer prevention. The suggested dosage of that is 80 – 120 milligrams a day. The ProstaGenix formula has 100 mg in each dose.

We can have our researchers get you additional information on these compounds and additional studies, but the studies referred to are at the bottom of this article for your review.


Hopefully, this gives you a good idea why the researchers who developed the ProstaGenix formula specifically included these compounds in addition to our proprietary, and award-winning source of Beta-Sitosterol, known as BetaRexin. It’s no surprise ProstaGenix has been so well received and is producing such rave reviews.

Below are the study citations:

GSE Study:

Specialty supplements and prostate cancer risk in the VITamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) cohort. Published in 2011 Nutrition Cancer 2011;63(4):573-82.

Brasky TM1, Kristal AR, Navarro SL, Lampe JW, Peters U, Patterson RE, White E.

Quercetin Study:

Nair HK, Rao KV, Aalinkeel R, Mahajan S, Chawda R, Schwartz SA. Inhibition of prostate cancer cell colony formation by the flavonoid quercetin correlates with modulation of specific regulatory genes. Clin Diagn Lab Im