Coronavirus Variant in Europe Coming From Spain Is Spreading Rapidly

Coronavirus Variant in Europe Coming From Spain Is Spreading Rapidly


Recently, a coronavirus variant in Europe is spreading very rapidly. The origin of this virus is in Spain, and it is traveling to other countries. Scientists suggest that most of the recent cases in Europe are the result of this new version of the coronavirus. Moreover, experts from all over Europe are now trying to find out more about the new virus. However, all that they can state is that it may be similarly dangerous as the coronavirus.

A research report is to be published very soon regarding more details about the coronavirus variant in Europe. However, the team of scientists working on it is now waiting for a thorough review of their research work to ensure that every detail is alright. According to the team, their report is majorly based on their observations revolving around the original coronavirus’s genetic mutations. The international scientists’ team believes that every version of the coronavirus has a unique genetic composition. However, there is a way of tracing it back to its origin every time.

Figurative picture of the new coronavirus variant in Europe

The scientists are identifying the new coronavirus variant of the infection as 20A.EU1. Spanish and Swiss experts started the observational research in June already. Since July, the frequency of the new variant has gone up to around 40% in Spain. In the case of other places such as Switzerland, the concentration of the 20A.EU1 was extremely low before July. However, it went on increasing to 40% by the end of July. Moreover, in Switzerland, the U.K., and Ireland, the concentration is 70%. The new variant’s prevalence is also identified in Norway, France, the Netherlands, and Latvia.

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Researchers who are studying the new variant are suggesting that there is still no evidence regarding the fact that it spreads faster than the other mutations. Although the coronavirus variant frequency in Europe is continuously increasing, it is still a mystery to the experts. Moreover, there is zero information regarding the severity of the disease right now. Instead, health experts and scientists believe that the other variants are more diversely spreading across Europe. Moreover, 20A.EU1 is till now only found in Europe and not in other parts of the world. Therefore, based on diversity, we can still conclude that it is weaker than the coronavirus’s different mutations.

What are the probable causes of the outbreak?

The study report that scientists will reveal soon suggests that the spread began when people from Spain came down to other European parts for vacations. There is a maximum possibility that they are responsible for the outbreak that is so confusing now. Moreover, people are raising questions regarding travel restrictions not being followed by people and the government doing nothing. Several people believe that another similar virus would not have entered their countries in the presence of more restrictions.

There is still no clarity regarding the reason for the outbreak. Scientists are saying that either it is due to a transmission advantage of the coronavirus. On the other hand, the sole cause of the pandemic may be dissemination via tourists. The new wave of COVID is now leading to more unique restrictive steps in several European countries. Moreover, European countries’ governments are trying to gear up for more safety as winter approaches fast.

Shusree Mukherjee

Writing allows me to pour my heart out in words. So, that's what I've been doing for the past 6 years. I strive to bring in a change in the world by taking tiny steps of curating the right message that needs to be conveyed.