
How to Practice Self Forgiveness and Move on with Joy?


Self-forgiveness is about learning how to forgive yourself for the mistakes you made or the wrong choices you take in your life. You might have often wondered how to practice self- forgiveness or how to forgive yourself.

In this blog, I will share the ways through which step of forgiveness for yourself but first we will understand the importance of self – forgiveness.

Why Is Self-Forgiveness Important?

Forgiveness can reduce stress, which in turn increases immunity, eases mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, and increases physical health due to a reduction in anger and an increase in heart health.

So, as well as aiding in such widespread issues as anxiety and depression, when we practice self-forgiveness, our overall health increases.

If we do not find the key to Self-Forgiveness, we continue to worry and punish ourselves into a mess.

But despite knowing everything, we simply hurt ourselves by surrounding many toxic thoughts and through this we can’t let go of a wrong decision from our life.

Self-forgiveness can have many benefits, while self-loathing is not productive at all. To bring yourself some harmony, share your vulnerabilities with others.

Making a mistake, making a blunder has nothing to do with who you are or whom you have the potential to become. It is not a reflection of your self-worth.

We are all human; we all make mistakes. We all do things for different reasons; the key is finding your reason. In this section, I am going to share the best ways by which you can practice self-forgiveness with joy.

1. Meaning In the Mess

Meaning In the Mess

Here and there, we separate and uncover greater weakness to our loved ones when we recognize our own wreckage. This can lead to greater revelations about ourselves and our life. When we acknowledge that we are not perfect, others can relate to us and find greater strength too.

In simply saying, “I’m sorry,” doors of accountability open and refuge can be found in relating our struggle to our strength. “I’m sorry, but I can try to make this up to you,” is also great for a new start. It doesn’t mean everything will be perfect.

2. The End Goal? To Finally Be Able To Let Go!

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End Goal

Letting go means to forgive yourself for what you didn’t know and what you thought you had to do (or not do). It means to forgive yourself for your shortcomings and your mistakes. But that doesn’t mean excusing yourself from accountability.

Identifying a mistake, deciding not to repeat it, and owning the damage you caused is part of the journey. Don’t keep beating yourself up over it. It’s a hard balance to find at times, but it’s worth it to be able to reap the health benefits and move on with your life.

3. You are worth it 🙂

You are worth it

Some of the time, self- forgiveness is tied in with discovering happiness in life rather than distress. Once you let go, you learn to live. Remorse does account for some sorrow, but it does not mean you live in sorrow and regret for the rest of your life.

Maybe you didn’t have to forgive yourself for doing something wrong. Possibly you needed to pardon yourself for accomplishing something right.

4. Leaving Guilt Behind

Leaving Guilt Behind

Rather than helping us to make a situation right, or improve ourselves, guilt breaks our spirits. For a moment, it may help to feel guilt after some self-reflection, but ultimately, you are human and in need of compassion.

Guilt is an okay place to visit, to help us identify changes we need to make, but it is not a good place to stay.

Guilt may make you feel like you are not enough, or worthy of forgiveness or love. But it prevents you from moving on with your life and becoming the best person you can be.

When you choose to love, you need to choose love for yourself too. You need to think about yourself worthy even when you’re broken, especially when you’re broken because everybody deserves love, you too.

Don’t let guilt smother your goodness. Don’t let guilt eat your energy and enthusiasm for life. Don’t let guilt destroy your joy.

Give Back!!

Give Back!!

Use your scars as reasons and reminders to do more good, even if you can’t make everything right. Let them be the teachings you hold onto as you progress forward.

You can self-forgive and help others at an equivalent time. It’s not just about charity. It’s about choices. You can make better choices when you’ve had time to reflect on your own situation.

Shine a light on those in need. Volunteer where help is needed. Walk with someone who feels like they are alone. Listen to another human being’s troubles. You’ll end up helping them to try to do what you furthermore may try to do: Self-forgive.

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You’ll find that in helping somebody else through an uncomfortable or bad situation, you’ll find your way through yours too. It’s a funny fact that we often give to others in the ways we should give to ourselves. We give the mercy, the love, the attention, the comfort, the compassion to others upon listening to their faults and failures, more than we would ever give to ourselves.

So we know what to do, and how to do it, we just have to apply the same kind of kindness and mercy we apply to others, to ourselves.

To get back your own life, refund to others. It’s almost as though we find the path for ourselves, by showing it to others. You’ll find it makes everything easier.

The Writer’s Desk- How to Practice Self-Forgiveness and advance with Joy?

Practice Self-Forgiveness

So how do we get there? How do we get to self-forgiveness?

Try compassion.

Self-Compassion — A Prerequisite for Self-Forgiveness

Self-Compassion is learning to put empathy in your self-talk; the words you say to yourself, about yourself. It’s part of developing Self-Love, a prerequisite for almost anything.

You only need to talk to yourself more kindly, with empathy and compassion. We are often nicer to others than we are to ourselves. If your self-talk is thrashing you up over something, ask yourself, “What would I feel about this, tell somebody else, if they found themselves during this same situation?” Practice equivalent compassion on yourself that you simply practice on others.

The shame you feel is part of your healing. It brings awareness to what needs to be done better in the future or helps you accept outcomes when you make hard decisions. But you don’t need to sleep in shame or fear so as to form powerful changes; and actually, you can’t.

Open Up

To bring yourself some harmony, share your vulnerabilities with others. Share the issues and insights from your story that really make your story significant. Like something from an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting where one says to the rest of the people there,

In your own case, you fill in the blanks. What do you really want people to know about you? This will help them understand you and it will help you to understand yourself. And thereupon understanding, you learn to release your inner demons and realize your inner strengths.

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