Labels And Scuff Tests' Importance In Packaging

Labels And Scuff Tests’ Importance In Packaging


Label legibility, by a glance, might not seem that important. Nonetheless, in some fields like medical equipment or pharmaceuticals, labels can be the difference between saving lives and exposing patients to life-threatening situations. This is why scuff tests are a crucial aspect of the packaging industry. Scuff testing helps you establish the durability of a painted, printed, or polished surface. If the abrasion resistance is good, you can rest assured that the labels will remain legible throughout the demanding processes. This includes packaging, shipping, unloading, and installation, among others.

Scuff testing

Scuffing results from friction between two surfaces. It leads to fading of the printed surface resulting from ablation of the paper/film. As manufacturers strive to keep the labels legible throughout the many instances, they put in place precautions. Observing the products to determine if the precautionary measures are working is not the most effective approach. This is especially since exposing the surfaces to real-life conditions is hardly possible. This is where scuff tests come in.

Scuff testing is an accelerated test designed to establish the resistance of the printed surface. It entails exposing a specimen to continuous friction and observing the results in set parameters. The process uses a scuff resistance tester to establish the surface’s behavior. You can set parameters based on the expected use environment, which varies following the industries.

Scuff testing is a standard in the packaging industry. It is critical since manufacturers can’t afford to ship products with scuffed labels. If label legibility is affected, it could result in huge problems.

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Value of labels

Labels carry vital information. In equipment, for example, they provide details such as:

  • Handling instructions
  • Installation directions

Take fragile equipment, for example. It might be heavy, and an individual might not assume it is fragile when packaged in a box. Its weight is what hits your mind first, not the potential to beak. With clear and legible labels, breaking instances are lowered. This is since the shipping process, and everyone involved can tell that such a package requires extra care when handling.

Such equipment can safely be shipped across the globe by relying on labels. During transit, the equipment rubs against others. If the label’s rub resistance is not good, the legibility can take a blow. This means that upon arrival, the parties involved in unloading and transporting the heavy yet fragile package would have no idea how careful they must be when handling it. This means it is exposed to more risks that can lead to its damage. This emphasizes the need for scuff tests, ensuring that manufacturers and packaging services use reliable materials that can resist such concerns.

Label legibility isn’t just vital in sensitive fields. For marketers, for example, a label is a tool to real in more eyeballs. It helps capture attention and prompt consumers to buy a product. Labels supercharge marketing campaigns. They help in brand awareness creation since they can be designed to stand out from the crowd. From the attractive color to detailed information like the ingredients, labels are significant in any packaging aspect.

Scuff testing helps manufacturers ensure they rely on the right materials to develop labels. This translates to product safety, improved value, and compliance with industry standards.