
Technological Certification during COVID-19 Pandemic for Career Growth


The current job market is experiencing a shift and behaviour of companies has changed drastically. A great number of people are experiencing lay-offs, and almost all companies have diverted to remote work to fight the times of pandemic. Many are thinking, ” Is it the right time to apply for a position, or thinking of a change?”. The time is very uncertain, and no one can predict what will happen the very next moment.  

Amidst so much of chaos, uncertainty, and anxiety, many people feel discouraged and left out. Because of so much happening they are not able to focus on their job search. However, a strong search is vital to find an appealing opportunity.  

There is no denying to the fact that hiring has slowed down, but companies are still hiring. With less hiring, comes big trouble of competitive search. You can take this opportunity another way round. Use this time to stand out in your job search with the help of a few strategies. You can secure a job you are extremely passionate about. Although you will have to search for a job creatively. Enhancing your expertise also helps you to sustain a job during such times.  

A few skills and certifications come in as quite valuable during such times. If you have a 

 in AI Certification (Artificial Intelligence), then it is beneficial. With considerable growth in technology, companies in the IT sector are still hiring those Machine Learning, then you may get a job conveniently. This is because such skills have an enormous requirement in the market.  

Tips to Technological Upgraded certification

  • Consider a timeline to search jobs – You may experience a sense of urgency if you​ are left unemployed during such difficult times. Searching for a job will be one of your full-time jobs since it is a tedious task. Don’t just apply for a position blindly.  

Concentrate to leverage your network more, so that additional opportunities are sourced and you can also track the progress that you are achieving. By the time you come up with a relevant job, boost your skills. Very famous IoT certifications can help an individual develop to understand the business perspective of IoT.  

  • Identify growing industries and apply for specializations that will grow in future – Since you were sacked out of your previous company, it is the time when you should look for one who has adapted well. A company that retained all its employees even during the times of uncertainty, and also added significance to our existing natural environment. Most tech companies have changed their working behaviours, and have sifted from in-office working to remote working. Cloud Certification is must for remote working with virtual work space
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This effort is basically taken to keep things going normal. Additionally, during such times manufacturing and healthcare companies are hiring people too. This is only because the demand for resources has continued to spike. Securing a job in the IT sector is one of the major benefits enjoyed by people today. Data Science or any other similar certification will help you easily get a job in the sector.  

  • Strengthen connections with people on online networks – Consider tapping into​ your own network including your friends, old colleagues, professional mentors, etc. In case, they know an organization that is hiring or ones with open roles. You can also choose to seek out like-minded professionals to provoke conversations related to possible opportunities available.  

You can expand your job search by joining several professional groups available online on Facebook and Linkedin. It will help you to broaden your network as well. This downtime is the perfect chance to refurbish older connections and make new shiny ones. For instance, when I left my previous job it was my friend who referred me to AWS training. It is one of the most lucrative cloud certifications, and the professionals are in demand from substantial companies. Being from an IT background, you can take this course up as well and get certified.  

  • Revamp your online profiles and resume – Highlight all your career achievements​ current or previous, and take time to revamp your resume adequately. Include skills, passion, education etc. Develop your brand, lean towards the procedure to make employers understand your mission. Show that you are different from other applicants, and have valid proofs.  
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While applying for remote jobs, know what the employer is looking for. Read their job description very well, showcase relevant skills you have that matches with their job description. Certification in AI or IoT is some of the trendiest requirements of employers nowadays. Choose to upgrade your skills with them.  

  • Add courses to your competent toolkit by opting for virtual ones available -​ Utilize your free time in the best way possible, expand your professional toolkit to the extent possible. Take advantage of the resources and opportunity available to you. If you have a few certifications in your field will prove a lot beneficial when you apply for new opportunities.  

There are plenty of online companies offering online courses at affordable rates. All the certifications mentioned in this article are also available online. They will enhance your professional skills and give a boost to your career. Online courses and training are the best options you should consider during such times.  

Be patient with employers and yourself. Times are tough for all of us, and not only you. Hundreds are laid off from their jobs, and companies are also undergoing transitions in a short time. Everyone is trying to adjust themselves to the new normal. However, the shifts will take time.  

The Bottom Line 

 There is no denying that the companies are hiring employees to fill permanent positions. 

However, you are required to stay strategic and look for organizations that are still hiring. Several companies are advertising their vacancies, and you should pay close attention to them. Searching for a job during the times of pandemic is not easy. You will have to stand out of your competitors to bag a few available positions. Upgrade your skills as much as possible so that employers can rely on you. There are challenges involved, but you can look for a job despite the pandemic.