Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction And Post Traumatic Disorder: How Are These Conditions Related?


A lot of people mistakenly believe that erectile dysfunction is caused by serious medical issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, or atherosclerosis only. This is true but assuming that medical issues are the only cause of it is wrong.  But in a significant number of cases, men suffer from this condition of underlying psychological problems. Erectile dysfunction is deep-rooted in psychological causes such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Treating such cases of erectile dysfunction can be challenging and identifying them is even a bigger struggle. In fact, a lot of studies show the relation between post-traumatic stress disorder and erectile dysfunction. 

Erectile dysfunction affects about 40% of the men in their forties and fifties and 50% of men are affected by it in their thirties. And out of 5 ED cases, 2 are caused by deep-rooted psychological issues. 

In this blog, we will talk about the two most stigmatized problems known in humans, PTSD, and ED. Psychological erectile dysfunction is linked to many other causes but most people don’t like to talk about PTSD. PTSD is mostly associated with veterans who return from war and experience some serious deterioration of their mental health. But that is not always true, PTSD can be triggered by any event that is life-threatening or leaves a deep scar on a person’s mental health. PTSD is difficult to treat and can last for years and years. 

Now let’s talk about the link between ED and PTSD. 

Link Between Erectile Dysfunction And Post-Traumatic Disorder 

Studies show that 13% of women and 6% of men experience the post-traumatic disorder at some point in their lives. That is a high number of psychological disorders. The conclusion to draw from such studies is that erectile dysfunction in post-traumatic disorder patients occurs when their brain forms a relationship between arousal and aggregation, unlike a  healthy brain, which connects arousal with healthy sexual function. 

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PTSD and Sexual activities induce the sensation of arousal that is identical to ‘flight and fight’ response of the body. The problem kicks in when the PTSD patient becomes aroused and that consequently triggers PTSD symptoms which hamper the normal sexual function.  

For humans to have an enjoyable sexual experience, you need to feel safe and be comfortable with their partner. You need to open up and be able to regulate as well as express your emotions to that person. A physical and emotional connection is crucial to have that level of intimacy. Letting your guard down is the key to experiencing that. But do you know what a person with PTSD experiences every day? They deal with constant fear and anxiety. They deal with tensions and can be easily startled, they have nightmares and trouble sleeping. They experience a mix of negative emotions about themselves and everything around them. 

If you compare the needs of a pleasurable sexual experience and the symptoms of PTSD, you will realize how incompatible both of these things are. Moreover, a lot of people take medicines to treat PTSD and that itself can have sexual side effects. People battling these conditions can get help through psychotherapy for PTSD and pills can be used as treatments for ED. 

To know more information related to erectile dysfunction and its treatment, click on the link


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