De-stress Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

5 Simple Tips to De-stress Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down dramatically.

From the “No ID, no entry” to “No face mask, no entry”, from the traditional handshakes to virtual hugs and kisses, and from expensive perfumes to alcohol and sanitizers.

With so many twists and turns happening each day, it’s getting harder to stay focused and motivated.

Hence, if you’re experiencing an unusual level of anxiety and stress during these disturbing times, know that you’re alone. 

To help you with that, find your way to de-stress and find peace amid the pandemic with the following suggestions below.

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1. Control your news consumption or consider social media detox

social media detox

While staying abreast of the happenings around you isn’t bad, do yourself and your mental health a favor by controlling your news intake primarily in this dire global situation.

Don’t get too overwhelmed with what you’re seeing on television, newspapers, social media feeds, or with what you’re hearing on the radio.

You’re also advised to consider social media detox through uninstalling the phone applications you deemed are the sources of your anxiety and stress. Curb your news consumption to an hour a day as well as filter your news sources carefully.  

2. Talk about future travels and beach vacation plans

beach vacation plans

The continuous spread of the coronavirus disease isn’t the only crisis that the whole world is dealing with right now. There we have the “Black lives Matter” protests, fight against racial and gender discrimination, political issues, and so on.

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Hearing and talking about such matters especially amid the COVID-19 period can add up to your anxiety and stress. Take a break from the negativity and talk about your future travels and beach vacation plans instead.

This quarantine season, start saving up and plan for a de-stressing Toowoon Bay beach vacation. Why the Toowoon Bay beach? Well, it’s because that place is one of the most pristine and soothing places you could ever be on earth.

So, boost your mood by thinking about your Toowoon Bay beach escape once the pandemic ends. Experience and witness an extraordinary trip to the land down under that would wipe your anxiety and stress out.   

3. Foster or adopt a pet if you don’t have one

adopt a pet

Do you know that there’s such a thing as animal therapy? Animal or pet therapy includes animals, usually dogs or cats, as a kind of treatment.

So, if you’re feeling anxious, stressed, and alone this time, why not welcome your first or new pet in your home. Getting quarantined with a cute and lovely pet by your side will help take your stress and worries away like no other.

Not just that, because fostering or adopting a pet especially amid this challenging situation will give you a sense of responsibility, companionship, and warmth.

4. Shift to a healthier and better lifestyle


Sugarcoating your anxiety and stress with unhealthy or bad habits will just make your situation worse. So, if you’re alcohol-dependent, smoking, have a very poor sleeping habit, and not eating on time, you better shift to a healthier and better lifestyle before it’s too late.

Instead of going lazy all day while on home quarantine, make the most of your opportunity to keep up with daily activities. Commit yourself to home exercise, eat healthier, follow through a healthy and proper sleeping pattern, and eradicate your bad habits slowly.

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By shifting to a healthier and better lifestyle, you’ll see how much it affects not just your mental health but as well as your overall well-being, which is very much important in this era of coronavirus disease.

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5. Communicate often with loved ones

Communicate often with loved ones

The situation will create a different impact on those that are far away from their loved ones. Aside from anxiety and stress, the feeling of loneliness is also expected.

So, if you’re one of those people, know that you can win your fight against anxiety, stress, and even loneliness just by communicating often with your family and friends. Reconnect and start reaching for the most important people in your life even through video calls or chat messages.

Final say:

Staying positive during this difficult situation is a lot of challenge for the majority. That’s why with the following tips above, help yourself find your way out of all the negative emotions and win your battle against the stress brought by the pandemic and other societal issues.

If this article sounds helpful, don’t forget to send it over to your friends and family to help them too. Let us know your positive and kind thoughts as well by commenting on them below.


Kath Ramirez

Kath Ramirez embraced the dream of being a writer since she was in 4th grade. She took it seriously and she now writes for Kims, an absolute beachfront tropical location in the northern part of Sydney. Aside from writing, Kath also keeps herself busy spending time with her family, cherishing the role of a dog mum, reading random books, and diving into the world of photography. She’s not even a pro at whatever she’s engaged in right now, but one thing she knows, she’s happy and that’s more than enough.


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