Green Companies In Domains

5 Green Companies In Domains You Didn’t Think Of


In recent years, purchasing trends have shown a shift towards prioritizing eco-friendly products. For this reason, many industries have gotten on board the environmentally sustainable train, some of which you might be surprised to learn about.

What Does It Mean to be a Green Company?

Companies that operate based on people, planet, and profit, are considered “green.” This means that these companies see the impact of their products or services on their community and the environment as a critical measurement of their success. In general, these companies work to make their products sustainable and ethically sourced. They also make sure their manufacturing and production are environmentally responsible. Additionally, they may take actions to preserve the planet through participation in conservation efforts, promoting environmental awareness, and more.

This article will explore five green companies in domains you wouldn’t expect.

  • A Good Company

A Good Company’s mission is to provide sustainable everyday products. Some of their sustainable products include notebooks made with stone paper, an eco-friendly phone case, a luxury pen made from melted down illegal firearms from El Salvador, and their packaging. They also believe in transparency. They believe that full transparency will provide their customers with the opportunity to understand what sustainability looks like for an eco-friendly company. They also feel that in being transparent, they can encourage customers to be conscious consumers.

  • New Belgium Brewing

Since its founding in 1991, New Belgium Brewing has been committed to being eco-friendly. For this reason, they use only sustainable vendors. They are also a Platinum-certified Zero Waste Business. This means that 99% of their waste doesn’t end up in a landfill. Furthermore, they are mindful of their energy consumption. While they acknowledge that their processes play a role in greenhouse gas emissions, they aim to lower their energy impact through energy conservation, implementing an internal energy tax, and producing energy onsite.

  • GreenGeeks

Contrary to popular belief, the internet plays a significant role in worldwide pollution. In fact, internet use accounts for 3.7% of global emissions. This is the equivalent of all the air traffic in the world. GreenGeeks recognizes this, and as a web hosting provider, they realize the role they play and are actively working to reduce it. For every amperage of energy that GreenGeeks pulls from the grid, they donate renewable energy in that same amount through the Bonneville Environmental Foundation. Additionally, their hosting platform is constructed to be as energy-efficient as possible, with a maximum use, no waste of resources mindset.

  • Preserve

While many of the plastics we use are reusable, there are also many plastic products that we throw away. These products then sit in landfills for eons, adding to the pollution of the earth. This is why Preserve created an eco-friendly toothbrush made from recycled plastics. From there, they went on to create other products from recycled plastics, including measuring cups, razors, and colanders. They also create plant-based products such as compostable straws, plates, and cups. They also recently launched a new initiative to use plastics from coastlines and oceans to create razors and toothbrushes, thus reducing the plastic waste in the ocean.

  • Rogue Creamery

Food production has a considerable impact on the environment, contributing to climate change, acid rain, the depletion of biodiversity, and eutrophication. It’s also a drain on resources such as nutrients, land area, energy, and water. Rogue Creamer recognizes this, and at their dairy farm, they are building soil health and biodiversity. They also prioritize their animal’s health and welfare. Additionally, they have a dairy waste repurposing system that converts waste into usable byproducts such as bedding for cows.

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These are only a few of the green companies out there. There are many more out there, and you should definitely take the time to look for them. The more people who invest in the environment, whether through dairy products or web hosting, or even beer, the better off the planet will be.