retention open air basin

How to successfully manage a water retention open-air basin system

How To

retention open air basin or Water storage basins are widely used by farmers in order to maintain good irrigation even in dry periods. The fire protection basins allow a large volume of water to be stored, which will thus be available to firefighters in the event of a fire. 

Rainwater retention open air basin can also be used in order to save on water consumption. In the current context of climate change, any reduction in the impact on the environment is to be favored, so water retention basins are investments for the future.

The water supply can be created by direct runoff, discharge from the pluvial network or by charging and overflow of the network. In this article you will be introduced to the key player in basin systems: geomembranes.

Table of Contents

  • The role of geomembranes
  • Sustainable approach to water management
  • Geomembranes used in water storage
  • The different types of geosynthetics and geomembranes
  • How to ensure the quality of the sealing device?

The role of geomembranes

The geomembrane is a material specially used for its waterproof property. Although it is a material with a very high chemical resistance and is also used in applications of hazardous waste containment in sectors such as mining and waste, among others.

These geomembrane waterproofing devices are used in structures having the particular function of storing water. 

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A geomembrane waterproofing device consists of a support structure above which the geomembrane is fixed. The support structure comprises: a shaped layer which can be of different nature (cement, dust, etc.), and the support layer generally made with geotextile. 

In addition, the waterproofing geomembrane device can be surmounted by a protective structure. In the absence of a protective structure, the waterproof geomembrane must have characteristics suitable for the environment, such as UV resistance or strength to withstand bad weather over the long term. Atarfil Geomembranes , multinational manufacturer of high performance geomembranes is specialized in Safe Containment Solutions mainly in the Water, Mining and Waste sectors

Sustainable approach to water management

The objective is part of a sustainable approach to water management by managing rainwater as close as possible to its drop points, effectively combating the risks of flooding and drought problems.

The possibility of recharging groundwater, preventing rainwater pollution, integrating the water cycle into the landscape and restoring its value. It is also the ideal solution to save on consumption.

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Geomembranes used in water storage

Geomembranes used in water treatment are made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). This composition allows them to be perfectly tight to liquids and gases. Since geomembranes are used in ponds or harsh environments, they must be resistant to low temperatures and ultra-violet rays.

Geomembranes are placed in water treatment lagoons, generally to cover them and prevent contamination. They can also be placed at the bottom of lagoons to avoid soil pollution. They are sometimes used to cover waste storage areas so that they are not contaminated by rainwater.

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The different types of geosynthetics and geomembranes

The waterproofing of a hydraulic, civil engineering or environmental protection structure is ensured by different types of geosynthetics including geomembranes.

The purpose of geotextiles is to protect other geosynthetics or to provide filtration functions. Drainage geocomposites ensure good drainage of water and / or gas for the sustainability of the structure. Reinforcement geogrids and earth ties are used to prevent tensioning of other products or to retain covering materials to prevent them from sliding on slopes.

Waterproofing can be provided by a bentonite geosynthetic (layer of clay between 2 geotextiles sewn together) or by a geomembrane. The geomembrane can be of different types depending on the materials it is made of:

  • High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
  • Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) 
  • Very Low Density Polyethylene (VLDPE) 
  • Polypropylene (PP)
  • Bituminous

Each of these geomembranes, with their advantages, are used to optimize the works that are waterproof.

How to ensure the quality of the sealing device?

When deciding to build a geomembrane basin, it is essential to take into account all the criteria allowing good quality of the product installed and compliance with the installation rules. 

As a first step, it is essential that a specialized design office carry out a rigorous study phase upstream of the implementation of the project, in order to adapt the device to the nature of the land, to the support structure, to the geometry of the structure, and the use that will be made of it. 

A second important point is that the installation and the waterproof geomembrane must comply with the most demanding standards worldwide and provide the highest efficiency that technology can allow today. 


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