
Reserve Bank of India is the Central Bank of the Country created to ensure financial stability in the nation and regulate the currency and the credit systems. Set up in 1935, in accordance with the Reserve bank of India Act, 1934, it is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It was originally set up as a private entity and was only nationalized in 1949. It is governed by a central board of directors appointed by the national government for a tenure of four years. It acts as a regulatory body to supervise India’s financial sector by implementing frequent bank inspections, audits, and off-site surveillance. The RBI also manages foreign currency and interest rates and is the official issuer of national currency for the country. It manages the country’s payment system and ensures economic growth. Along with supervision of the financial activities of the banks and financial institutions, RBI also deals with legal issues related to bank fraud and sets a model for rating the banks and the institutions in the sector.

Being such a big organisation with multiple tasks, the RBI also requires huge manpower which it carefully selects from all over the country. The RBI Grade B officers overlook the day-to-day functioning of the banks and are responsible for their smooth operation and order. To become a Grade B officer at RBI, candidates have to appear for two phases of examination and an interview. After clearing the exams and the interview, selected candidates are hired for a probationary training period of two years that may be extended up to 4 years. After the probation period ends, the opportunities to rank up in the organisation are ample. The officers can get promoted by taking departmental exams or through promotional schemes. The officers can rise up to managerial posts and also to that of a Deputy governor in RBI. As one goes higher up the ladder, the increments offered also increase but even at the starting post, an RBI Grade B officer is entitled to dearness allowance, family and house rent allowance, local allowances, etc. They can also apply for loans such as education, housing, etc. at subsidised rates.


The RBI conducts the exams to select candidates for the Grade B officer post itself. The process consists of 3 rounds i.e. a preliminary exam, main exam, and an interview round. The number of vacant seats, examination dates, and schedule are mentioned on the official website. The number of posts and vacancies are subject to change each year for each category. Candidates applying should be Indian citizens and should fall in the age group of 21 to 30 years. They should have scored a minimum of 60% marks or an equivalent bachelor’s degree and 12th and 10th standard graduation degree from recognised institutions.

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The phase 1 exam has four sections consisting of questions of English language, quantitative ability, general knowledge, and reasoning. It is an objective exam of 200 marks with a time limit of 120 minutes. The phase 2 exam has 3 papers. Paper 1 and 3 are both 50% objective and 50% subjective with 100 marks each with a time limit of 120 minutes. Paper 2 is fully descriptive, worth 100 marks to be attempted in 90 minutes. The final interview round accounts for 75 marks. Interested candidates can explore oliveboard for mock test papers and more clarity on exam patterns for the Grade B examination.



The starting post for a Grade B officer in RBI is usually of an assistant or support staff. After this, as they go higher up the ladder, they become eligible for posts like that of an Assistant Manager, General Manager, Chief General Manager, Principal Chief General Manager, Deputy Governor, and then Governor. The typical working hours of an officer are from 9 to 5, 5 days a week. After the probationary period, the officers are shifted to different departments like DSIM, DEPR, and DR. The job profile of a Grade B officer consists of the following activities mostly:

  • Currency issuance and its circulation- RBI is the authorised body in charge of issuing the national currency, hence it is one of its main functions and as officers of the organisation, it is their duty to overlook the smooth process of the function. They also oversee the circulation of this currency to the other banks in the country and monitor the process.
  • Managing Government and Central Bank Accounts- They perform merchant bank functions for them.
  • Financial Stability- They ensure financial stability by analysing factors leading to inflation or deflation in the market. This may also include maintaining the cash inflow and outflow and order of the bank to ensure adequate liquidity.
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It is considered a sought-after post due to the value of RBI and its being the main financial authority of the country. The perks of working as a grade B officer in RBI are many. Even though one would start at the lowest level, it is easy to work their way up and the posting is always in a Tier 1 city. The pay scale and the opportunities offered are also better than other banks. Once you have worked with RBI, you can also apply for posts in more prestigious institutions like the World Bank or IMF. After retirement or completion of tenure with RBI, one may also have the chance of getting hired on the board of a top commercial bank due to previous experience at RBI. RBI also promotes the growth of the officers or employees by encouraging further education and helping them get there by providing scholarships and facilitating the process.

Allowances, increments, and perks provided are better than other banks and they may also increase depending on the education and qualification of the candidates. Additional allowances like maid allowance, fuel allowance, mobile allowance, briefcase allowance, etc. are also given to the employees. In conclusion, it is considered a prestigious job due to the value of RBI and attracts a large number of candidates. If one is lucky to be selected he/she should make the most of this opportunity and pave a strong career growth map.

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