CBSE Class

Olympiad for class 8


Class 8 is an important class for a student who is looking forward to making their career in a more technical field, other than this the difficulty of subjects like maths and science get to another level which needs a special effort if you want to learn all the concepts rather than just mugging it up, for your school examination. Students by this time get to know that packing up all the study materials in a hope that they would be helpful later is just a myth, because in no world you are going to succeed if you only try to mug what is there in the book, but to learn the concept is the better and the best approach if you want to do the same. 


There are a lot of approaches given on the net about how you need to prepare yourself for getting into good colleges and having the right amount of knowledge. But it gets confusing sometimes for a student to choose one and even if they start working on a specific approach how do they know whether or not it is right for them. For this, it becomes quite important for them to check their knowledge regularly and that too with a standard measure, now the olympiad is the best option that is appropriate for this situation. One gets to know about their preparation and where they stand amongst their legitimate competitors while they still have time to improve before it starts to matter. That is why one needs to be very serious about giving olympiads because not only for the above-stated reason but it is important in many other ways too.


Since the exam is very important it is not easy to prepare for it too, to score well in the examination one needs to make a proper plan and henceforth stick to it without getting into the whys and wherefores. Now that olympiads are being discussed let us put some light on how one can prepare for it without a lot of fuss.

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Get started with digging into the syllabus and knowing whether they have made changes from last year or not. If yes, skip putting a lot of effort into that chapter which they have omitted, this might save you a lot of time. Secondly, search for the updated pattern of the question paper and gain knowledge about which chapter contributes how many questions to the total, this step will help you decide the priorities that you need to give to a specific chapter. Make sure that you do not give too much time to a single chapter this way you will have time in the end for revision which is a crucial factor in any preparation. If you do all the above-mentioned steps, a quarter of the work is done for you and this quarter will prove to be effective for you later in your preparation.


One needs to put two to three hours daily for practising without which it becomes next to impossible to score well in these nationwide examinations, not getting into the importance of practising here because it is an entire topic on its own, so leaving it to you to realise and be constructive for yourself. Here this article will focus more on what students have a propensity to forget and that would be solving mock papers, solving previous year question papers. A shedload of content is present on the internet for you to look and practice from and by the content here it means mock papers and previous year question papers, go type for a specific year and you will be provided with the question paper that was asked for that year in no seconds. Many sites are providing these question papers free of cost while some to save your time have accumulated all the content in one place for your convenience and charge a genuine amount for the same. Now you can choose which way you want to go. Previous Year Paper for IMO Class 8 Maths 2013 In this hyperlink a previous year question paper is linked you can also find a specific paper of your choice in the same way.

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Now again coming back to square one that is what mistakes students do in the midway of their preparation journey. One of the most important things that need to be discussed is that students start feeling low in confidence and start thinking of giving up just a few steps away from the milestone. Now to avoid this situation you must keep yourself motivated throughout the journey. Keeping yourself motivated is directly linked to your confidence. If you are feeling confident that you are on the right path you will be happy and hence the remaining path also will be covered in no time. This is exactly what you want and hence you need to make a proper strategy that will make sure that you are not lagging anywhere you have enough time for each chapter and even if you feel you need extra time for a specific one you even have time for revisions. Also since you have solved so many question papers from previous years you know that you have prepared enough and you are ready to give tough time to your fellow contenders.


The next thing that people do is that they start panicking when the time to give the exam comes. This happens when you know that you have not prepared well or if you think, what if I do not score well even after so much preparation and hard work. Now in both these cases, there is no point in panicking because this is not the last chance these exams keep on coming back twice a year so you will have a better time to prepare for the next time and second if you have prepared well there is no way that you will not perform well. It is your determination and the desire to achieve a higher rank in the exam that will eventually decide your performance in the olympiad.   

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