Big Data-

Big Data and Cloud Computing –Answering all your Big Data Initiatives!

How To

Over the past couple of months, businesses of all sorts have shifted to remote work, remodeling the workforce paradigm. The emergence of the virtual version of the corporate world has significantly transformed the present-day employee’s approach towards the conventional 9 to 5 job hours.

Since now, corporate workers can work at any time from anywhere without hurting their convenience. There has been witnessed a massive demand for cloud services to manage big data and its budding challenges systematically.

Though there a plethora of examples showcasing the corporate world’s dependence on cloud services, however, the most eminent one is of Microsoft Azure’s, recording a 775% surge in the use of its public cloud service.

After the prestige and glory of Netflix now Microsoft Azure cloud services are soaring high, with making zillions of remote workers swearing allegiance to their cloud facility.

Besides, considering the whopping demand for cloud services due to the physical distancing restriction enforced by the government, many more eminent cloud service providers are making it to the mainstream. An acclaimed name in the cloud service industry is the dinCloud that allows mobile workforces to manage and track Big Data, shaping a revolutionized work culture for decades to come.

Apart from that, another name that has come out quite distinctly in this Cloud computing services domain is “Dataknox” that also offers services in the exclusive arena of server recycle and IT asset disposition, apart from the core service domain of Cloud computing. And, it is to be noted here that only a certified IT disposal company is authorized to recycle your old servers, by complying with all the data security rules, regulations & norms, as laid down in the state or federal laws. Once done with all the hardware recycling part, your system is now directly linked with Cloud, without having to maintain bulky and cumbersome hardware for data storage or warehousing. It is now a central server location that manages Cloud storage.

Simply put, the emergence of cloud computing has been the most evident advancement of the decade that has left the entire working world relying on it for even the most basic business interactions to imperative business talks, evolving our lives and livelihoods alike.

Data handling /computing

While the corporate world bombards with volumes of data to secure and manage simultaneously, the cloud raises itself as the ultimate hero that handles, computes, and manages unstructured data in the continually changing digital landscape, accelerating the performance of both the employees and the employers in the remote working arena.     

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Since the pandemic has left the corporate leaders with heaps of data to compile and garner, nothing seems viable apart from progressively turning to the cloud to accommodate the fluctuating requirements of the uncertain decade.

The advancement is facilitating organizations to devote particular emphasis on driving innovation while cutting costs.

Even though the terabytes of data being manufactured day in and day out have streamlined multiple confusions and corporate matters, however, harmonizing the heaps of data with a traditional framework still seems a cumbersome chore.

Although, ever since the advent of the cloud facility, analyzing and compiling volumes of data has become convenient even in today’s high-speed connectivity era.


Regardless of the up-gradation in the digital arena, the traditional solutions still demand physical servers to amplify storage space and function efficiently.

By leveraging the cloud, businesses can grow more scalable than ever before, chasing the ideal processing power and storage space viably.

The best bit about the cloud facility is that it continues to evolve more agile and adaptive over time.

Also, the advent of the cloud into the corporate sector has given businesses the convenience of procuring technology in chunks that fit their budget seamlessly.

Doing so, consequently, control costs on securing data via applications that perfectly collides with the concept of securing volumes of data at economical prices.

Since cloud computing feasibly compensates for infrastructure, there seems no point for allocating a specific infrastructure budget when a perfect platform like the cloud is at our disposal to meet the novel data processing requirements at a tiny budget.

The facility mutually benefits the remote workers and the managing staff, fostering a dynamic remote work environment on the go.

Financially feasible

Since many businesses in their nascent phases have a limited budget with no flexibility of going over it, therefore, a sage piece of advice for such business owners is to leverage the cloud technology to meet and supersede the big data challenges that they may encounter in the initial phases of their corporate journey.

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In case your business is yearning for a technological upgrade urgently while you have scarce resources on hand with a shoestring budget, the cloud technology can answer all your big data initiatives without gulping down more than half of your corporate assets.

Thus, the present-day entrepreneur should realize that not everything that glitters is gold, cloud computing is surely a value-added revolution that allows the employers to live in the lap of luxury without actually paying a hefty sum.

Thankfully, the up-gradation of technology has poured in a super viable way to secure bulks of data with an efficient system that demands less and rewards more.


In the current critical phase, the cloud, with its agile and adaptive nature, ensures that the leveraging organizations reap fruitful rewards from the cloud-based services.

Since the corporate world has witnessed a horrendous figure in lost-in-person sales in the current decade, therefore, redundant connectivity must stay intact to stave-off all the odds of losing revenue and recognition.

Not to mention, even the tiniest blunder can cost a considerable decline in productivity, with an irreversible impact on the business that can even end up vanishing the business from the corporate map entirely.

Businesses are advised to harness the potential of the cloud to fulfill all the storage requirements that they might have.

Since the cloud-based servers are installed and deployed in a matter of minutes, securing the data in numerous virtual servers that can be accessed from every corner of the globe can work as a benefactor.

Also, since now, virtualization has transformed a piece of hardware that was operated on a single functioning system to a one that runs on multiple platforms, offering a massive difference in cost and efforts.

A word of advise

In a nutshell, the cloud has served as a blessing in disguise that comes readily available online with a resilient connection to various resources.

Not only does it shield a business against unforeseen outages but also secure resources, funds, and most importantly, a decent corporate reputation that might have come on the brink of collapse due to the proliferating dubiety.

But one crucial aspect that should never be swept under the rug is that while integrating business-intelligent solutions, businesses must take charge of protecting their resources at their end.

Author Bio

Emma Thomas is a content writer and a copywriter.  A writer by day and a reader by night, she can be often found picking cherries in summer Afternoons


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