Storm Alex has got Italy and France with devastating winds and came with heavy rains. There was serious destruction in some of the villages in North Nice, France. People lost their homes and bridges, and roads faced landslides due to the flood. A part of the Sesia river bridge in Italy faced destruction. The flood was quite a historical act of God in the North-Western part of Italy. There are casualties of two still now, and around 20 people’s whereabouts are unknown due to storm Alex in Italy and the Southeastern part of France.
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Mr. Castex has expressed concerns about the missing residents
The Prime Minister of France, Jean Casted, put his army to handle the flood situation in South-Eastern France due to the flood with releasing disaster management money immediately.
The Alpes-Maritimes prefect Bernard Gonzalez said that it would not be right to presume that missing people have faced death due to the storm as the army is trying their best, and time is needed. He, though, showed concerns about the further rain forecast.
Historical amount of rain
Météo-France, the meteorology institute, said that few areas in the country would be seeing 450 mm (17.7 in) rain in the next 24 hi hours. This rain amount is almost equal to the four months of rain in any given year. The South part of the Alps faced the worst conditions with having serious destruction in Tinée, Vésubue valleys, Riya, and Esteron.
Roads are impassable
Rimplas and Saint-Martin-Vésubie’s villages lost their road connections. Currently, no transportation is available.
Roquebillière, a resident of 29 years of age, told French media that he had lost everything but still hoped one of the rooms in his house might still be there.
Casualties of two elderly person
The storm took two elderly residents with collapsing their houses in the village, and they are still missing. The storm also hit the West of France on Friday, destroying several homes numbered tens of thousands almost on the Atlantic coast. The wind speed was 180 km/h (112mph) on Thursday and Friday in Brittany.
The condition of Italy after storm Alex
A 53-year-old fire worker faced death in the rescue in the Aosta Valley. Another 36 years old died in Piedmont after his car went into the river in the storm. However, his brother saved himself by jumping out of the vehicle.
A part of the Sesia river bridge in Piedmont’s Vercelli collapsed on Saturday after its reopening. The officials said that the road condition is critical as rains have seriously affected the transportation in Piedmont.
Alberto Cirio, the president of Piedmont, told La Stampa that the amount of rain 630 mm was very uncommon in the region after 1954.
Several disaster management people are trying to their best efforts to handle the flood situation in those villages.
The flood affected the river Roja in Ventimiglia. Liguria, as well as Lombardy in the region of North West, faced destructions if the storm.
The government issued an alert in the Po River
The government authorities issued an alert in the Po river. There is a chance of a dangerous high tide in the river.
Italian rescuers saved Twenty people at the border of France. A well-structured barrier saved Venice, Italy. The city faced high water in August. The barriers went on working from July.