Dental practice

The Secret to Drive More Patients to you Dental Practice 

Digital Marketing

A dental practice is just like any other business when it comes to attracting customers or patients. Since it too will require a good marketing strategy. Like any other business, they too need to invest in a marketing campaign. Traditional marketing campaigns include advertising on a billboard, a TV commercial, but in this digital age, it is vital one also takes into consideration the fact that a large percentage of people now use the Internet, and hence digital marketing is also essential.

Simply having an online presence that is accessible on multiple platforms like desktop and mobile might not be sufficient. Not everyone might be aware of your dental practice and the search engines might not list you on the first few pages of the search results, making it harder for potential patients to find you. A large percentage of users use simple keywords to search for a dentist and it is up to the digital marketing team to ensure they optimize your website and take several other steps to ensure your website is more visible. It is essential to develop a good Dental SEO strategy like to gain an edge over your competitors.

What is SEO?

In simple terms, the process of ensuring your website has a high search engine ranking like a Google Ranking and appears on top for relevant search engine results is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). A great deal of effort is necessary to ensure your website ranks high on popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Dental SEO aims to optimize the website of a dental practice and take several steps to improve the visibility of the website in popular search engines. It also includes ensuring the website is mobile friendly and fast.

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Significance of Digital Marketing for Dentists

SEO is one of the best techniques for generating leads since more people use smartphones to access the internet and search for what they need. All Internet users tend to resort to using search engines to find what they are looking for. Google happens to one of the most popular search engines and Dental SEO is one of the best techniques to ensure your website gets listed on Google.

Tips for Dental SEO

  • It is vital to add relevant keywords to capture the right kind of traffic.
  • Online users tend to use long keywords as well as short ones, for example, they might not simply search by “dentist” they may use a special dental service as their keyword or something like “dentist near a city name”.
  • The SEO strategy needs to consider such keywords searches and the website needs to be optimized for them.
  • One of the most important factors of any SEO strategy is optimizing the website and SEO effort for local searches.
  • It is important to establish the geographic area that your business is targeting and optimize your efforts for those areas.
  • It is highly beneficial to register your website on Google Maps and other local directory sites.
  • Other popular SEO techniques to gain relevant traffic to your website include earning links to your website and using a very effective tool called blogging.
  • The first step of any SEO marketing campaign is to ensure the website is up to the mark; since that is what a potential patient is likely to check first.
  • Internet users do not have a lot of patience; hence the loading time of your website should be very low. Besides loading fast the website should have relevant information on the first page to help the visitor understand what the website is all about.
  • Optimizing your website navigation can also work wonders.
  • All search engines have different algorithms and hence different factors place your website on the top. Since Google frequently changes its search engine algorithm, the SEO effort of your website must also reflect those changes.
  • Search engines tend to have criteria for blacklisting websites as well. For example, overuse of keywords (keyword stuffing), and blackhat SEO techniques will result in Google blacklisting your website.

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