Home Renovation Home Security

How Home Renovation Can Contravene to Home Security

Home Improvement

Despite the fact that remodeling contributes to securing the residences from intrusion and burglary, the chances that you can be robbed during the reconstruction process are very high, as in the absence of home security, the attention of burglars to your house will be increased. However, there are numerous means to take guarantee of your possessions and your home will remain safe.In this article you will read about How Home Renovation Can Contravene to Home Security.

Check your Maintenance Company’s Background

To start with, you need to prioritize your family’s security even while refurbishing your residence. The statistics indicate larceny-theft as the most common crime across the United States. What you need to do is not be careless. Before starting the reconstruction, conduct a background check on your chosen contractor. You can always follow these tips to ensure the maintenance firm’s credibility:

  • Ask for referrals preferably from trusted sources. These include relatives, friends and co-workers.
  • Review the company’s credentials, experience and previous clients. Try to contact these clients and ask for their opinion about the service provider.
  • Search for reviews or testimonials about the contractor on the web.
  • Find out if the contractor can provide suggestions on how to secure your home during the restoration.
  • Check with the state licensing agencies to obtain information about the company’s integrity, complaints from past customers and possible safety violations.

Store your Valuables in a Safe Place

Another fact you need to pay attention to is keeping your money, jewelry and other valuables in a secure place. The safe represents a logical solution. However, make sure you put it in a securely locked room. This will make it difficult for thieves or burglars to carry the safe away. You may consider temporarily storing these valuables in the house of a family member or a close friend. Otherwise, your other option would be to rent a storage facility or safety deposit box. This is a more expensive but safer alternative.

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Keep your Neighbors Informed

Inform neighbors about the planned makeover. Your next-door neighbor will be the first person to inform you about any problem or danger. Leave your contact numbers to them if you need to stay away longer. These people can also update you about the renovation’s progress and issues like contractor’s performance.

Keep the Area Clean and Free of Building Materials

If a burglar sees building materials scattered all over the yard, it’s a green light for them and your chances of getting burgled will be getting higher. So, you either need to include a point about cleaning up all the building materials after each day or make sure that the workers will clean up the home or the visible areas of your yard themselves. The crew must be responsible for locking tools and equipment as protection against theft.

Maximize The Security in your Property

Another worthy thing to do during the reconstruction is considering hiring a security guard. The presence of a watchman discourages would-be intruders or prowlers from pushing through with their plans. You need to weigh the cost as against the protection of your home. A total makeover may affect your security plans. Aside from physical security, install a sophisticated alarm system with sensors or motion detectors. Motion sensors usually scare burglars away. Video surveillance cameras can catch any unwanted behavior like thieves breaking into your house. Don’t forget to turn on all lights at nighttime. Trespassers will most likely be deterred by bright lights all over the place. Motion lights will convey the burglar that you are aware of threats and ready with precautionary measures.

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Change your Locks after the Project is Over

During the reconstruction period, opt for a key-less entry especially for extended projects. This advanced method allows homeowners to preset locking and unlocking of doors all day long. It also enables you to remotely monitor everyone who enters and leaves your property. Different people will be coming in and going out of your house. Therefore, smart locks make it convenient for you to lock, unlock and change locks whenever necessary. You may assign unique codes to all. You’ll easily find out the code used in entering your house. Yet, the bottomline is to change all locks to entryways and windows once the remodeling is over.

Your Children Must Know the Safety Measures

For those with kids, make them understand the risks of remodeling and the safety rules. Tell your children the cardinal rule regarding strangers. Warn the youngsters to stay away from equipment and tools. Identify toxic or poisonous chemicals that can harm you or your family. Enforce safety regulations for your children if you’re living in the house while it is being refurbished.

Communicate with your Home Insurance Provider

Your home becomes prone to theft, damages or other hazards while under reconstruction. In this case, your home insurance policy should remain valid. Some companies may not provide coverage during these circumstances. Others will simply increase the premium. Be clear with the insurance firm about the protection offered as well as terms and conditions. This gives you peace of mind that your property and other possessions will be covered in case of theft or fire. How Home Renovation Can Contravene to Home Security.

What More to Expect?

The process of home improvement poses a lot of excitement among homeowners. At the same time, you’ll surely encounter challenges regardless of the remodeling’s magnitude. More than this, don’t forget the security aspect of home renovation. This could provide a serious opportunity for burglars to strike when your guard is down. Be one step ahead. Focus on the project while ensuring the safety of your loved ones.