Bandana Headband

How to Tie a Bandana Headband in Different Styles


Do you know how cool and fashionable you look when you’re wearing a bandana? If you have never worn, try it once you will see the difference. It not only keeps your hair from falling on your face, but it also gives you a clean and stylish look. It might seem tricky if you have never tried it before, but once you learn how to tie the headband, you will rock.

You’ll be surprised to know that wearing a bandana was a popular trend back in the 18th century. Honestly, people were trendy and fashionable in those days. Even, it’s one of the coolest trends to wear a bandana today. In this post, you’ll learn how to tie a bandana headband in various styles.

Tie Your Bandana Headband in Different Ways

Well, you might think that what’s special in wearing a bandana headband. Trust me, you can style your hair in many different ways only using a bandana. Now let’s know what are the various ways you can wear a bandana to style your hair.

Classic Bandana Hairstyle

The classic style is the simplest way to tie your hair, you may already know about this style. Unlike other headbands, you need not worry about your hair falling on your face. In this style, you need to sweep your hair to your back and tie them with the band.

For this, make the square bandana headband a thin layer by folding it multiple times before you wear it. Now, place the band on the top of your head and pull it back to tie under your hair. You can make this style while going for a walk or running or anytime.

Tie in the Front

In this style, you need to tie the band in the front instead of the back. You will tie it on the top of your forehead. If you don’t like the looks then you can make a knot which will give you a different look. You can go out for dinner, or you can go to the class with this hairstyle.

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Cinderella Style

You may feel uncomfortable at first, but trust me it will give you a different look. To do this, fold the bandana headband to a triangular shape then place it on your head and pull back the long end to your back and tie it. You can wear it on a lazy Sunday to have a relaxing day.

Bandana Bun Hairstyle

It is one of the quick and easy ways to tie your hair and walk away to the classroom. Just like the classic hairstyle, fold the square bandana band multiple times until it becomes a thin layer. Now make a bun on the top of your head and tie the bandana band like you tie a simple band to the bun. You are ready only within minutes, and go out to the classroom or for a morning walk with this style.

Ponytail Prom Hairstyle

You can add an extra effect to your ponytail by wearing a cool bandana headband. A ponytail hairstyle is one of the favorite classic hairstyles for many but you can make it more stylish with a bandana. Just tie a bandana around the ponytail to give it a different look. You can go out for dinner, to a party or for a date with this style.

Cowgirl Hairstyle

Like the Parisian hairstyle, it is also a hairstyle where you can use the bandana band like a necklace. The only difference is you fold the bandana band in a triangular shape and wear it on your neck. Now cover your neck with the band and tie the knot in the back. This will cover your front if you’re wearing a low-cut dress. Further, it will guide others’ eyes to look up to your face.

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Parisian Hairstyle

Are you going shopping with your friends and don’t have a necklace for your outfit? Don’t worry, a bandana band can help you to look cool and stylish. Likewise, in the bun and classic hairstyle fold the bandana multiple times until it becomes a thin layer. Now cover your neck with a bandana like a necklace but do not tie the ends rather hide them in the back.  Voila, you will look like a Parisian girl. You can go out shopping, or watching movies with this look.

Tie it to Your Bag

Last but not least, if you don’t want to wear a bandana on your body, you can tie it to your bag to make it look and feel different. When you tie it to your bag or purse, it keeps your standard backpack apart. This helps you find your bag at the busy airport, or you can use it as a hairband on the go if you want to change your hairstyle. It can be used as a style piece for your dress, you stand out from the crowd.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you have learned how to tie a bandana hairband in many different ways. The bandana headband does not only give you a nice hairstyle you can use it for different purposes. As mentioned above, you can use it in the place of your necklace and you can also tie it to your bag to have a different look. You can wear a bandana for a party, for dinner, for shopping and movies. Now if you want to add more hairstyles to the list, please mention them in the comment sections.

Author bio:

Ani Johnson is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Ani Johnson is associated with Online Health Media & Follow The Fashion. You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & LinkedIn.


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