Online advertising takes many forms. With some careful sleuthing, you may find some ways to avail of free advertising. However, Pay Per Click or PPC is one of the most viable and cost-efficient methods you can use on different platforms.
What is PPC?
PPC is an online advertising method. The advertisers pay the site owners or the partner browser where their ads appear each time someone clicks on the ad.
As with the rest of online advertising methods, several types of PPC ads are available, with the paid search as the most common. The ads appear when a person searches for things online using their favorite browser. The ads are usually relevant to the online search of the user. For example, if someone searches for ”pizza,” the keyword (pizza) triggers the pay-per-click ads, which will appear on the search page results.
Aside from paid search, other PPC advertising forms include remarketing (retargeting), banner ads, social media, price comparison, and affiliate marketing.
The power of keywords
The keywords are the essential aspects of PPC advertising. The browser, for example, offers a bidding system. It means that the online advertisers have to bid on the search term or keywords they want to activate their ads.
Once the user types the right keywords, the search engine’s algorithm calculates which ads will be displayed by which advertiser and in what order.
Advertisers should bid only on the keywords relevant to their business so they can be more sure of their ad spend’s ROI. If you are working with a professional PPC agency, they can help you choose the right keywords that will have a greater chance to bring conversions or sales at the most effective cost.
If you are considering PPC as one of your online marketing strategies, these benefits that Oklahoma City PPC Agency recommends might convince you.
- It contributes to your business goals
PPC can help you achieve your marketing and business goals. Businesses have many goals to attain, ranging from ecommerce sales, getting hot leads, thought leadership, higher brand exposure to higher conversions and consumer loyalty. With PPC, it is easy for businesses to track their conversion rates. Choosing and maintaining the right keywords with a PPC agency’s help gives you a powerful marketing tool to reach some of your business goals.
PPC can support the different parts of the sales funnel. It can help in thought leadership and content marketing by increasing content downloads, app downloads, boost entries to contests, and increasing signups to newsletters.
- You can measure and track your PPC marketing efforts
If you are using Google Ads, you can measure and track your advertising easily by using Google Analytics and Google Ads tool. You’ll get several performance details, such as the number of impressions, clicks and conversions, which you can measure against your business goals. You see the performance of your campaign, the traffic your site is receiving and the results. You can track your spending and what the PPC drove according to your goals.
- Easy setup
Even if it is your first time trying PPC marketing, the method is easy to set up. Within a few minutes of launching your marketing effort, you may get results quickly. Compared to other forms that take time to convert prospects into consumers, PPC offers to target other customers outside the list of consumers who already know your brand through the proper positioning of your ads.
PPC allows you to search for new customers. At the same time, PPC marketing does not need your full involvement. It offers ad writing if you do not have a prepared ad copy. Setting it up properly makes the process automatic, and you only have to wait for the results.
- You control the options
The initial setup for PPC advertising may be confusing, but you can take control of how you want to proceed after that. You have various options, and you choose the ones that you think will reach your potential customers efficiently and effectively. You choose the keywords and the ad placements. You determine the budget and the bids. Once you have achieved some positive results, you can increase your spending. But you also have the option to take a break, which makes your marketing efforts quite flexible.
Unlike traditional advertising campaigns, you can edit and optimize your efforts while your campaign runs and realign your keywords to other landing pages.
A professional Oklahoma City PPC Agency will help you set up your online marketing. With the benefits you will gain from the method, you already have the answer as to why you need it as an e-retailer.