
Is Gmail Secure for Business: Top 5 Ways to Make Sure

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Is Gmail Secure for Business: Top 5 Ways to Make Sure

Google apps are widely used all over the world and the most popular is Gmail. It is the second-largest email application and is widely used for email services across the world. Since it is a web-based application, it can be accessed easily and from anywhere. One can easily access Gmail from mobile and Desktop. Hence, it is also the most compatible email application.

Gmail secure for business is the topmost query searched by the users. Daily we send and receive a lot of emails, so the topmost concern of any user is to make sure that the data they are sending or receiving is safe and secure.

If you use a Gmail account for business purposes then it is very essential that you should use or enable the advanced security features as well. In this article, we have described the top 4 ways you can implement.

Google has implemented several security parameters to ensure that the information stored on Gmail is safe. But the virus and malware attack can occur anytime without any warning. So, in such a case it is one should make sure that their account is safe and Gmail secure for business.

How your Gmail account gets hacked?

There are numerous ways that a hacker can try to crack your Gmail account.

Phishing- It is the most popular type of attack used by hackers to steal the data from your computer and sometimes they get complete control over your PC. Their way of hacking is very simple; they just send an email containing either attachment or link. As soon as you click on the link or download the attachment, the hacker gets complete access to your system. 

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How to check if Gmail secure for business?

1- Enable the 2-Step Verification for Gmail-

In this step you have to enter the security code you entered your password, the 2-step verification is just adding another layer to Gmail security. Every time you try to access your account, a security code will be sent to your registered phone number. You can log in to your account when you enter the code. Thus making it impossible for another third party to guess the password. Everyone should enable this feature.

You need a mobile phone to activate this feature or you can also create an application-specific password for applicants that don’t request a verification code.

Since a user has to enter the password and then security code thus, sometimes a user gets frustrated. But it’s the best way to protect your account.

 2- Identify suspicious activities-

Google will send a notification if someone tries to access your account, it comes under suspicious activity. It may be that there are sign-ins from an unfamiliar destination or an unfamiliar device. In this case, you should manually check your account once in a month and make sure that no suspicious activity has taken place. If in case you noticed any unusual login activity then, change your Gmail password. So, this is a simple yet effective way to check your account is safe and Gmail secure for business.

3- Set Strong Password-

Make sure that you have set a strong password, using a strong password also decreases the chances of hacking. It ensures the security of your account. You can use the combination of letters, numbers, or symbols to ensure a strong password. Another way is changing your password frequently and don’t use the personal information as your password.

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4- Complete Security Checklist-

Generally, security checklists take some time but it is always recommended that you maintain a checklist to have a safe Gmail account. In this way, you can verify all your recovery information, security settings, and a number of devices connected and assigned account permission to each.

5- Backup Gmail Data-

The last and most important step is to backup your Gmail data timely. You can backup it to any local storage device like your hard drive. So, in case if your account gets hacked or any other mishappening occurs, then you can easily access your data thus, making Gmail secure for business. You can take the backup of your Gmail data in two ways.

1- By using Gmail backup feature

Go to your Google account, click on backup, and restore data option. The only drawback of this method is it takes a lot of time if you have data in bulk quantity.

2- By using a professional method

This method is always recommended and professionals have been using this method for a long time. In this method, a Gmail Backup Software is used to back up your Gmail data. This method is fast and very effective. You can save your data in multiple file formats like PST, EML, MSG, etc.

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Google has provided various security features to improve the security of your Gmail account and hence makes Gmail secure for business purposes. By taking the above-mentioned precautions you can be assured that your Gmail account is secured.


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