
Most important chapters to cover first in class 9 science


Science is an essential as well as important subject for CBSE class 9. It holds much greater importance because it builds the foundation for higher studies. For this reason, it is very important to have a deeper understanding of the subject while managing your time properly for every chapter.

To begin your preparations, you can start with the most important chapters. Although, all the chapters of class 9 science are very important with regards to higher studies so it is advised to study each chapter with detailed understanding. But to start with your preparations in the right order, here we have concluded the chapters from the science NCERT book of class 9 according to their weightage of marks. The NCERT book is purely based upon the CBSE guidelines and holds the relevant chapters and topics for the exam. The sequence of important chapters are as follows:

  1. Motion, force, and work- This unit is the most important unit of science class 9. This comprises of total 27 marks and includes 5 chapters- chapter 8- motion, chapter 9- force and laws of motion, chapter 10- gravitation, chapter 11- work and energy, and chapter 12- sound. This unit holds a lot of importance as well as maximum weightage. So while preparing for your science exam, you can start by learning the chapters in this unit. After you have completed unit 3- motion, force, and work, you can ensure your 27 marks easily out of 80 marks in the exam.
  1. Matter-its nature and behavior- This is the second-most important unit of your science syllabus. This unit comprises 23 marks and includes 4 chapters- chapter 1- matter in our surroundings, chapter 2- is matter around us pure, chapter 3- atoms and molecules, and chapter 4- structure of the atom. After completing this unit, you can easily ensure 23 marks out of 80 in your science exam. This unit is also very important because it contains the basic studies of atoms that will build your foundation for higher study. So it is important to understand the chapters of this unit in detail not only for your board exams but also for competitive exams in future.
  2.  Organization and the living world- The third most important unit of your science syllabus is unit 2: organization in the living world. This unit carries 20 marks and includes 3 chapters- chapter 5-the fundamental unit of life, chapter 6- tissues, and chapter 7- diversity in living organisms. You can look forward to this unit after completing unit 3 and unit 1 respectively. This unit will you secure 20 marks in your science exam easily.
  3. Our environment- This is the 4th unit of your science syllabus that holds 6 marks. It includes the following chapters- chapter 13- why do we fall Ill, and chapter 14- natural resources. You can prefer this unit after completing unit 3, unit 2, and unit 1. This unit carries fewer marks but it is equally important for higher studies. This unit is easy to understand. You can easily ensure your 6 marks in your science exam after completing this unit.
  4. Food, food production: this is the last unit of your science syllabus and also the least important unit. This unit comprises of 4 marks including 1 chapter- chapter 15- improvement in food resources. This is the last unit you can prefer while preparing for your exam.
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According to the blueprint, the most important units of science for class 9 is unit 3, unit 1, and unit 2 respectively, these units carry the maximum marks and can easily help you score well in your exams.

So, here we have summarized the most important chapters to cover first, in a sequence.

  1. The most important unit is unit 3: motion, force, and work – 27 marks.

The chapters of this unit are:

  • Chapter 8: motion
  • Chapter 9: force and laws of motion
  • Chapter 10: gravitation
  • Chapter 11: work and energy
  • Chapter 12: sound

This unit will take 60 periods for completion.

  1. Unit 1: Matter- its nature and behavior – 23 marks

The chapters of this unit are:

  • Chapter 1: Matter in our surroundings
  • Chapter 2: is matter around us pure
  • Chapter 3: atoms and molecules
  • Chapter 4: structure of the atoms

This unit can be completed in 50 periods.

  1. Unit 2: Organization and the living world – 20 marks

The chapters of this unit are:

  • Chapter 5: the fundamental unit of life
  • Chapter 6: tissues
  • Chapter 7: diversity in living organisms

This unit will get completed in 45 periods

  1. Unit 4: Our environment- 6 marks

The chapters of this unit are:

  •    Chapter 13: why do we fall ill?
  •    Chapter 14: natural resources

This unit will get completed in 15 periods

  1. Unit 5: Food, food production- 4 marks

The unit includes one chapter:

  • Chapter 15: improvement in food resources

This unit will get completed in 10 periods.

You should also go through question papers of the previous year and you can analyze the weightage of questions, and the pattern of the question paper. You can also practice those question papers to get familiar with the pattern. Practicing them will help you to guarantee your good performance in the exam, and it will also boost your self-confidence.

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By following the above-mentioned tips, you can easily prioritize the chapters according to their marks distribution. You can clear your exam by following this pattern. Just study with complete attentiveness and concentration, and practice as much as you can. Dedication and hard work always lead to success.

One day before your exam, you should take a proper amount of sleep so that you will wake up energized the next morning and you can use that energy to perform your best in the exam. Remember that it is normal to feel a little nervous before the exam, but if you have practiced and prepared well then you will surely excel in your exams with flying colors. All the best!