Sniper Rifle

Tips for Choosing the Right Sniper Rifle


When it comes time to choose a Sniper Rifle, it can get confusing and consumers can get caught up in an onslaught of information and options, which can often distract a person from making the right decision.

When it comes to the sniper rifle, this goes doubly true. A sniper rifle is a firearm that has been designed for gun enthusiasts who require above-average accuracy than standard issue equipment. Sniper rifles will generally be equipped with some form of telescopic sight, for example red dot sight, that allows the user to execute accurate long distance shooting as well as observation. These types of guns are usually issued to soldiers in the field and used for the purposes of sniping and scouting.

But what should you keep in mind when you’re looking for the right sniper rifle for you?

Sniper rifles should be accurate, reliable, mobile, and easy to carry and conceal. Optics on a sniper rifle should be high-quality enough to use for anti-personnel, anti-materiel, as well as for surveillance purposes.

Types of Firearms

Firearms are usually categorized in accordance with their firing modes. In cases of a rifle, every action performed on the gun will generally be performed by the user (manually) — for example, firing and loading.

Next, there are semi-automatics, which do not require cartridge loading each and every time. However, the trigger does have to be initiated each and every time in order to fire.

Lastly, automatics will perform every type of work required. With automatic options the first cartridge will need to be fired manually with each magazine change.

There are sniper rifles on the market available in both single shot and semi-automatic mode. Sniper rifle requirements are usually defined and changed by duties that are performed by the armed forces and necessities that occur therein.

What is a Rifle?

When it comes down to it, a “rifle” is categorized as any type of longer gun — usually having a shoulder stock which is longer than 2 feet in total length.

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Rifled barrels are designed to produce a “spin” when it comes to the individual projectiles it shoots, while “shot” is characteristic of shotguns, where the small bullets spray at a general target. Rifles are far more precise at shorter and longer ranges but generally don’t produce the same amount of damage and impact as a shotgun would.

By this definition the “rifle” can be used to describe every type of firearm from the automatic rifle to a bolt-action to a customized sniper rifle.

Sniper Rifle Archetypes

Sniper rifles themselves come in a wide variety, so it’s very important to know what you need before you make your purchase.

Aggressive sniper rifles (72 RPM) generally create the highest bodyshot damage and pair well with HCs (high calibers). There are also Adaptive sniper rifles (92 RPM) which might not have the same benefits as the 72 or 140 frames, but these are very common types of sniper rifles that are easier to find on the market. They are more adaptable when it comes to perk options and provide an extremely solid neutral roll. Lastly, there are rapid-fire (140 RPM) sniper rifles that are strong-bodied, have the biggest mag, and boast the fastest TTK against multiple targets.

When thinking in terms of scope, below are a few things to keep in mind.

First, make sure that you pay special attention to the scope zoom level a sniper rifle provides. By and large, shorter zooms are best and gives you the widest FOV (field of view). Make sure that you opt for a sniper scope that is less prone to being affected by flinching. The shape of your sniper rifle scope is also important. Make sure that your sniper scope does not block peripheral vision and that it fits snugly on your rifle.

Getting the Most Out of Your Sniper Rifle

Once you’ve figured out how to find the right sniper rifle for you and make your purchase, you might be wondering how to get the best quality of use out of your sniper rifle, not to mention learn about ways to take care of it so you can keep it for the long haul.

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Observe how your sniper rifle shoots in a variety of conditions. Collect data with every shot so that you know your rifle and its capabilities as well as yourself and yours.

Some snipers opt to “Shoot Dirty” which means only cleaning their rifles every 200-300 shots. It’s important that you know your rifle can work when you’re out in the elements and demanding more of yourself and your rifle. However, it’s also important to clean and maintain your sniper rifle in order to increase its longevity and ensure efficacy of use.

Shooting on your respiratory pause, that moment in time right after you’ve breathed in but have yet to breathe out, this is a good time to practice firing your rifle because you will be the most relaxed with the least amount of internal movement.

Make sure to also follow through on your shot, meaning that, instead of jerking the trigger with each shot, you gently squeeze the trigger and make sure to pull that trigger all the way back to the rear before release. 

While a hunter might settle for a not quite zeroed gun, snipers do not have this sort of luxury.  Snipers will never consider a gun zeroed until they’ve hit three consecutive rounds within a 1-inch target square — out from 100 yards. You should never settle for less for you and your sniper rifle.

At the end of the day, choosing the right sniper rifle is a personal decision, but it always helps to know which types of sniper rifles there are on the market, how they’re classified and differentiated, not to mention what you need and how you plan to use your sniper rifle. Wherever you decide to purchase your sniper rifle, explore your options, do your research, and ask authorities and experts about their opinions. Many firearm enthusiasts have a plethora of information and input which is often happily-shared.