
Increase work productivity with the power of plants


The overall productivity you exhibit, whether you work from the office or your home, is directly related to your surroundings. It is a known fact that a bare workspace stripped of any personality and greenery is not very conducive to an employee’s wellbeing. Conversely, a well-lit office space filled with fresh greenery acts as a productivity booster and keeps one’s morale high. In the context of an office, indoor plants not just play into the aesthetics of the place, but also the psychology of people using that space. They are not just a decorative touch but a reinvigorating element that keeps one feeling rejuvenated and motivated. In fact, so much so, that workspaces with no personal touches and foliage are turning into wastelands of productivity and hampering the long-term happiness of employees. 

Whether it be an employer looking to provide better conditions for his employees or a self-employed individual looking to create a perfect work environment at home, one cannot deny the importance of plants and greenery. Even something as small as buying plants for desk in your office can brighten things up and make you feel awake. The modern ways of turning offices into concrete blocks devoid of any details, fun elements, and personal touches have a tremendous negative impact on employees’ emotions and ultimately, productivity. Given the fact that one spends the majority of his/her life working, it becomes paramount to understand the correlation between plants and a happy work environment. 

Here is a list of reasons why ‘going green’ might be the right choice for your office and the correct ways to achieve that. 

  1. Poor air quality in a workplace might cause health issues like headaches, asthma, eye irritation, allergy triggers, lethargy, and more as we spend more than 8 hours daily working. Indoor plants alleviate this predicament by improving air quality.
  2. Indoor plants improve happiness within workspaces and reduce stress amongst employees. So, not only are they directly correlated with physical health but also mental and emotional health. 
  3. Workspaces can be the breeding ground for pollutants due to a large amount of furnishings, building materials, and cleaning products used. They also witness a heavy footfall and, thereby, allow outside dirt to enter the premises. In this case, indoor plants act as air filters and increase oxygen levels in the air. For example, the Spider plant reduces carbon monoxide and benzene from the air, commonly released into the environment by furniture and appliances. 
  4. Stress can go undetected in a workplace and manifest into something dangerous down the lane. Burnout, depression, and anxiety are not unheard of in an office space but are actually quite common. Plants by boosting happiness and reducing stress allow employees to feel relaxed. 
  5. Indoor plants improve concentration, memory, interpersonal connections, and positivity within employees.
  6. One thing to consider before adding plants to a workspace is buying the right variety of plants. Having a plan as to how these plants will be maintained is also important. It will be crucial to divide the work of caring for plants like watering them very meticulously. 
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Besides these obvious benefits, plants in office spaces also raise employees’ goodwill towards their employers as they feel cared for when their well-being is prioritized. A workplace filled with plants and greenery breeds a positive environment for employees to engage and interact with. This increases their happiness quotient and makes them feel a sense of belonging to their workspace, hugely impacting their productivity levels. All of these reasons urge companies to buy online plants or work with interior designers to upgrade their office spaces once they notice a general sense of detachment within their employees. 

Even with all these benefits, adding plants to an office space can be tricky, depending upon its size. A good plan of action would be necessary for a company to transition into a greener working environment and to make the workplace healthier and happier. However, with indoor plants, the gains far outweigh the losses a company might incur while striving for a productive workspace.