Uk terror threat level

UK Terror Threat Level Rises to “Severe” After Major Attacks in Europe


The UK terror threat level has now become severe after the recent major attacks in France and Austria. Moreover, the European authorities are linking the cruel incidents to Islamic terrorism and extremism. When a threat level reaches the “severe,” it means that an attack is now highly likely. Further, we get to know from sources that this is the second-most dangerous level on the terror scale. Earlier, the level was “substantial,” which means the attack is just likely.

According to British Home Secretary Priti Patel, the current situation is part of a precautionary process. Therefore, it is not based on any particular terror threat or incident. Moreover, she requests the public to stay vigilant and report any suspicious incident to the local police. The latest announcement of upping the level of terror vigilance took place after an incident. Therefore, the general public is not buying the ‘precautionary measure’ story.

On Monday, November 2, a young 20-year old Muslim guy randomly shot four people in the Vienna district of Austria. The local police believe that the boy is an Islamic extremist, and an investigation is ongoing. Moreover, the shooting incident takes place just a couple of hours before the beginning of the second lockdown to control the virus. The young shooter is a north Macedonian-Austrian citizen with a previous terror conviction record too. Moreover, after some investigation, the police reports that he was trying to join the Syrian Islamic extremist group.

UK terror threat level after a couple of major incidents

According to the official statement of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the latest incident is undoubtedly an act of Islamic terrorism. The attack was a result of hatred for European values, democracy, and lifestyle. The extremists detest the fact that there is equality in this world’s region and that people live with dignity. Moreover, this was not the first incident of a similar type to take place in the country.

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A couple of days back, another man came with a knife, killed two, and decapitated one woman at a French church south of the country. The regional police rushed to the incident, and the suspect faces injury during the incident. Moreover, he was repeatedly chanting “Allah Akbar,” which shows it was another Islamic extremism case. The UK terror threat level rises to “severe” after Jean Castex, Prime Minister of France, began a thorough terror investigation. Moreover, French President Emmanuel Macron believes that France is on the hit list of terrorists. However, he is stern about the fact that the French are healthy people, and they will fight till they win.

On the other hand, in Nice, France, a young adult of 18 from Chechen beheads a middle school teacher. The reason, in this case, was that the teacher was using Prophet Mohammed caricatures as examples during his Civics classes. The Islamic extremists claim responsibility for the incident showing no regret at all.

Shusree Mukherjee

Writing allows me to pour my heart out in words. So, that's what I've been doing for the past 6 years. I strive to bring in a change in the world by taking tiny steps of curating the right message that needs to be conveyed.