Before Tie the Knot

Before You Tie the Knot


Some people dream of getting married as a very young person. They picture the day down to the details of what they will wear, where the wedding will be, how their spouse will look, etc. Other people may not be sure if married life is for them, especially if they have not met the right person. Whether or not you believe you are ready, here are five things you should do before you tie the knot. 

Live Life

You do not want being married to feel like a chore or something that has been forced upon you. In order to make sure you are fully ready to commit and settle down, you need to live life as a single person. Spend time alone to really get to know yourself and what makes you happy. 

What is the career that you have always wanted? Does it involve higher education? Do you want to travel and meet new people? Have you ever taken time to look at engagement rings to see what your style is and what you like? Explore your likes and dislikes. 

Secure Finances

There are people who believe that the main cause of divorces in America is money. When you combine your bills, debt, and income with another person there is a chance it could cause discord. One way that you can be prepared for this huge merging in your life, is to have your own finances in order. 

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If you are overwhelmed with debt, try seeing a financial advisor who can help you align what to pay down first and get on a plan. Decide the type of lifestyle you want to have one day. Does it involve multiple children? Do you want to take vacations each year? Create a realistic budget and start saving your money

Get Prioritized

Take the necessary time to figure out what is the most important to you. Be honest with yourself and assess your lifestyle. If you still prefer to hang out with your friends until late at night five times a week, maybe you are not ready for a committed relationship. You may still have some exploring to get out of your system. If you want to marry someone who prioritizes their family and their health, make sure you mirror what someone with those qualities would be looking for as well. 

If being with one person for the rest of your life does not sound appealing, that is okay. You have to do what is right for you. Do not feel like you have to get married one day because society or your family pressures you. You only have one life and you need to put yourself first. 

Be Prepared

Being married can be a very fun and rewarding experience. It can bring out the best in you and give you a partner for life with whom you can share everything. Your spouse can be your closest friend and your biggest cheerleader. They may introduce you to new people who you never would have met without them. 

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However, it is very important that you realize that it will not always be sunshine and roses. There will be hard days that you will have to navigate together. Your spouse will probably have habits that you find annoying or unnecessary. You need to be prepared to do a lot of compromising. 

Openly Communicate

In every long-term relationship, open communication is key. Whether it is with your best friend, your parents, or your boss at work, you have to be willing to listen as much as you speak. You must also be honest with each other, even when it is hard. 

If the person you are dating is adamant about having children one day and that is not what you want, it is wise to tell them upfront. No matter the topic, you need to convey your true wants and needs. Encourage your partner to do the same so that you can both have a fulfilling relationship